Monday 22 April 2013


Well yesterday was a busy one around here. The sun was out in full force with some nice warm temperatures, which means planting time is probably about a month away. All of a sudden I find myself behind in starting my seeds and getting my garden ready, so every one was helping out. My 14 year old son rototilled my vegetable garden for me. Now this is no easy task, and because we have doubled its size this year, it took him all afternoon. But the finished product was a winner and I'm happy to say I'll be busy raking and planning and then on to planting in the next few weeks.

We also had a nice campfire going and cleaned up some of the winter debris that was lying around the place. My daughter loves to ride on the four wheeler so she was a big help getting wood and cleaning up. (  Don't worry, she rides with an adult )

We finished off our day with a visit to the neighbours for a great BBQ of chicken, ribs and steak. A wonderful end to a perfect weekend. And I didn't have to cook! Now I just need to get my seeds started in the greenhouse. I'm about 2 weeks behind so the push is on, but really everything usually catches up in the end, give or take a couple weeks.

I love this time of the year. It's always very busy with different sports and commitments, spring recitals, and softball, but it's a good time. And soon the lazy ( ya right ) days of summer will be upon us and I will look back and wonder where spring went.

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