Sunday 15 September 2013


Well here I am, Sunday morning. It was the one day I could sleep in but because my body is now in tune with rising early, I was wide awake. It has been a crazy week of returning to work, the kids back in all their after school activities and still maintaining our volunteer schedule. There wasn't a moment of free time. But I am thinking once I'm done training for my new position, and my schedule goes to Part Time, things will ease off and I will transition in to a new routine that isn't so overwhelming.

That said, all in all things went well. It felt really good being back to work again. It was surprising to be honest. I was more than I little worried that it would have a huge impact on the family. I love being home with the kids and running the house, and the kids love it too, but it was really smooth and everyone seems really happy. I don't feel I could do full time though. I think the balance of working part time and being home the rest of the time is a good fit for me. Time will tell.

So Autumn is in the air now here in Yarmouth. The leaves are starting to show a hint of fall color, the air is cooler, and the pumpkins are making an appearance. The sunflowers are in full bloom and the dew is on everything in the morning. This time of the year always invokes a feeling of excitement in me. I have a need to prepare for winter. Get the last of the wood in, put all the summer things away, clean up the camping equipment and store it and start baking. I crave the more savory foods of fall, like butternut squash and hot pots of soups and chowders. Everything around us is preparing also. The birds are beginning to disappear, the squirrels are busy stocking up their stores for winter, and the fishing boats are starting to prepare their nets and traps for lobster season in November.

I can't even begin to describe the happiness and content I feel in my life right now. The love I have for my husband and children, the beautiful surroundings of where I live, and all the blessings of great people in my life. It's truly amazing.This doesn't mean my life is perfect or that I don't have any problems or disappointments to face. I do, all the time. But having the ability to live in the moment, and savour its utter peace and perfection gives me the strength and courage to face the other things that come along. So all in all, my transition from Stay at Home Mom, to working Part time Mom has gone well. Please be patient with me everyone, as I make this journey. I love writing and will continue to do so. There may be some gaps here and there as I settle in to my new life. but I promise you, I will keep this blog going. Thanks for the support everyone, it has meant a lot.

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